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Price increase

Price increase for new LiveWire memberships

As a non-profit, Community Interest Company, LiveWire aims to ensure that we provide fairly-priced leisure facilities and services for all our customers. LiveWire reviews its fees and charges on an annual basis to ensure we deliver a quality service to…

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Sweat Now Shine Later - £20 for one month trial

Sweat Now Shine Later

Take advantage of our Sweat Now Shine Later summer promotion, which means you get access to all our six sites with a fully inclusive membership trial for one month for just £20! There's still time to get where you want…

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Libraries Week celebrations in full swing

Penketh Library gets a facelift!

Penketh Library is set to undergo a facelift thanks to a £120,000 boost of investment from Warrington Borough Council’s library modernisation programme. The library, on Honiton Way, will benefit from a redevelopment including the renovation of the library frontage, repair…

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Livewire Orford Hub

Tell us what you think about LiveWire

Sport England and LiveWire are undertaking research to understand the participant experience of using public leisure centres and their activity habits. Please note that this survey is completely confidential and all data is collected and processed in compliance with all…

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