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Why Quit Smoking?

There are many benefits to stopping smoking, including many health benefits and saving money. Whatever your goals, LiveWire can help you.

Why Quit?

On average, people who smoke 20 cigarettes a day, spend an estimated £232 per month, that’s over £2,500 a year! By quitting smoking there are many things that the extra money could be put towards, whether it’s booking a family holiday, buying a new car or paying off some bills, stopping smoking will make life easier. Calculate how much money you could save using our stop smoking calculator.

Quit Smoking Today

As well as saving money there are added health benefits to kicking the habit. Smoking will cause damage to the lungs, which can have an impact on family life as well as your own, this will make it harder to chase the children around the garden, play a game of football or even walk up the stairs. Smoking also accelerates ageing!  Quitting will instantly see your blood pressure reduce and increase oxygen levels to your organs.

Quit During Pregnancy

Smoking In Pregnancy Image

Quitting smoking is the most important thing you can do for you and your baby. If you are pregnant or planning to have children, a LiveWire Lifestyles advisor has all the essential tools available to help you kick the habit. If you are planning to conceive, quitting smoking will increase your fertility, make your labour easier and ensure your baby is born at a healthy weight.

If you wish to stop smoking you are welcome to visit one of the community drop-ins where the advisors are fully trained to work with pregnant women in helping them quit. If you prefer, you can contact the Specialist Smoking Cessation Midwife who will visit you at home. The Specialist Smoking Cessation Midwife will visit you at home for 8-12 weeks; they can visit you from as early as 5-6 weeks into your pregnancy up until 28 days post-natal.

LiveWire offer Stop Smoking sessions across the Warrington area. An advisor will help you create a personal Stop Smoking plan including, setting a quit date, dealing with barriers and help you stay positive throughout your quit attempt.

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