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Ways to Lose Weight

LiveWire’s Lifestyles Team are not here to put you on a strict diet, but will help you understand more about the different food groups, and how to make healthier choices.  An advisor will work with you on a regular basis to create a healthy balanced eating and exercise plan that is workable for you. They will help you stay on track to reach your goal. The best way to keep in great shape and live a healthy lifestyle is to incorporate exercise into a healthy eating plan.

Healthier Meal Choices:

It can difficult to know what to do when it comes to healthy eating if you;re trying to lose weight or maintenance a balanced diet. We’ve put together a list of tips and tricks which you may find useful:

Reduce your alcohol intake
Try wholegrain carbs
Stay Hydrated – 6-8 cups of fluid today
Try eating fish a couple of times a week
Eat 2 or more vegetables on your main meal plate
Always include a source of protein
Use unsaturated oils to cook
Try lower-fat spreads

Become More Active

Methods of Exercise

  • Try Couch To 5K
  • Join LiveWire’s Leisure Facilities
  • Take up Swimming
  • Get your 10K steps in a day
  • Join a group exercise class

Did You Know...

Losing Weight Facts

  1. Small changes such as swapping out full sugar drinks to diet ones can make a BIG difference long term.
  2. Getting goals can help you stay on track
  3. Vegetables keep you full for longer!
  4. Vegetables are low in calories but are high in fibre

Tools To Help You Lose Weight

There are lots of tools to help you to lose weight, as well as support across LiveWire Lifestyles. Here are a couple of NHS apps which we find helpful.

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