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LiveWire’s free Fit To Tackle bootcamp celebrates latest weight loss successes

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Group lost combined figure of over 36 stone in the 12-weeks


Thirty Warrington residents on a bid to improve their fitness and wellbeing by tackling LiveWire’s free 12-week fat-burning bootcamp are celebrating completing the “amazing” programme.

The group enjoyed their final bootcamp session at Halliwell Jones Stadium on Wednesday 21st November, with the scales showing a combined weightloss of 36st 6lbs and 23 out of the 30 shedding at least 5% of body fat.

It was a result of 12-weeks of very hard work from them, and guidance from LiveWire’s Fit To Tackle coaches and mentors.

Participants completed three exercise sessions a week, as well as other events aimed at improving their mental health and wellbeing such as an inspiring talk from former Rugby League star Danny Sculthorpe about his battle with depression, and a healthy heart event that allowed them to be screened for heart irregularities and blood pressure checks.

Tom Kearney, Lifestyles Advisor at LiveWire and Fit To Tackle coach said: “The latest programme produced amazing results. We had participants lose up to a massive 12% of their starting body weight and 5 inches from their waist measurement.

“The group showed determination and commitment to complete 12 weeks of fitness work including boot camps, spinning sessions, step challenges and mile runs.

“They have applied themselves fantastically and it was a pleasure to train them and be a part of their fitness journey. I’m sure this will just be a starting point to a healthier and happier lifestyle.”

Fit To Tackle launches the next 12-week programme in the New Year and applications will open soon. Visit

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