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Face Coverings in LiveWire buildings – An Update

Face Coverings in LiveWire buildings

From Monday 14th September, as per Government guidance all customers will be required to wear face coverings inside all LiveWire leisure sites in areas where people are likely to gather for periods of time and where 2 meter social distancing may not always be possible.

The two specific areas coverings are required will be:


1.On entry to the building and all internal queuing areas (not external).

2.When spectating activities within the building (e.g. swimming lessons).


The wearing of face coverings in libraries remains the same (required). In addition, as per revised Government guidelines, from Friday 18th September it will be mandatory for LiveWire to take the contact details of all people entering library premises. 

Please note the normal exemptions apply in terms of those who do not need to wear facemasks.

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