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Fit To Tackle launches latest 12-week weightloss programme


 Over 50 people have signed up to LiveWire’s latest fat-busting bootcamp programme, that is held at Halliwell Jones Stadium.

 The last group lost a combined figure of 37 stone, with over 80% of participants shedding at least 5% of their bodyweight.

 And LiveWire Advisor and Fit To Tackle coach Tom Kearney has high hopes for the new group, saying: “It was fantastic to meet our latest group of Fit To Tackle participants. Well done for making the first steps towards a healthier lifestyle.

“Everyone taking part this time will receive a weekend membership to LiveWire, which will hopefully introduce them to our other activities and services and help to break down some barriers for people who don’t usually go along to their local leisure centre or gym. This membership, along with their 2 bootcamp sessions at the stadium will, I’m sure, lead to some impressive results for the group!”

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