Planned evening road closure for Jubilee Way from 9th January, 2023

Limited access to Orford Jubilee Neighbourhood Hub during January road closure
Planned evening road closure for Jubilee Way from 9th January.
Warrington Borough Council is set to undertake resurfacing road works on Jubilee Way, Orford, from 9th January for six weeks between the hours of 7pm and 1am.
This work means that users of LiveWire services at Orford Jubilee Neighbourhood Hub will be unable to use Jubilee Way from the junction at Winwick Road to the junction with Alder Lane between 7pm and 1am, and will need to use an alternative route to access the hub.
The road, and its side roads, will be closed in phases between 7:00pm and 1:00am Monday to Friday (Saturday morning) to undertake the works safely. All roads will be fully open to traffic outside the working times.
Pedestrian access will be maintained at all times during the works.
Vehicular access will be severely restricted and under the control of the Contractor on site at all times. Vehicles parked on the road or footway obstructing the works may be removed.
The signed alternative route will be via Winwick Road (southbound), Ireland Street, South Avenue, Alder Lane or via Alder Lane, Mortimer Avenue, Shaw’s Avenue, South Avenue, Longford Street, Winwick Road (northbound) or via Winwick Road (northbound), Hallfields Road, Norris Street, Orford Avenue, Alder Lane.
During Phase A access to/from Decathlon will be through the Orford Jubilee Hub car park, during Phase B access to the Orford Jubilee Hub will be through the Decathlon Car Park.
A recent trial for a larger central roundabout island has been taking place, and following this the contractors will construct a kerbed island to replicate this along with traffic islands on the approaches to the roundabout (on Jubilee Way and the access/exit to/from the Orford Jubilee Hub).
The larger central island will provide room for roundabout warning signs that should have been erected when the roundabout was first built however it was too small for these. These islands will help to improve traffic safety through that area, and reduce some maintenance issues with the current design for the existing roundabout.