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Penketh Library gets a facelift!

Libraries Week celebrations in full swing

Penketh Library is set to undergo a facelift thanks to a £120,000 boost of investment from Warrington Borough Council’s library modernisation programme.

The library, on Honiton Way, will benefit from a redevelopment including the renovation of the library frontage, repair to the external woodwork and improvement to the internal decoration and shelving.

The revamp will also provide more flexibility of inside space for library and community activities, including the new Jane Forshaw Community Room – named after a local library supporter and activist who was instrumental in forming and leading the Friends of Penketh Library before her passing in 2019.

The plans have been developed by Warrington Borough Council and LiveWire, which manages the library, together with Friends of Penketh library.

This means that the library will be temporarily closed from 23rd July for approximately 10 weeks, so we are inviting users to use their nearest alternative library at Westbrook Library and Great Sankey Neighbourhood Hub or via LiveWire’s online resource, which includes free e-books and e-audio items as well as a wealth of online reference material to use at home.

Rachel Ralston, Strategic Library Manager at LiveWire, said: “We’re looking forward to a new improved library at Penketh. To help customers during the closure we’re increasing the maximum allowance from 10 to 20 items, and we’re extending the return time to 1st December 2022.”

Warrington Borough Council’s Cabinet Member for leisure and community, Cllr Tony Higgins, said: “I’m delighted that the improvement works at Penketh Library are getting under way. The new-look library will bring real benefits to local people, providing a welcoming, attractive and flexible space for people of all ages to enjoy.

“This investment is the latest part of our Libraries Modernisation Programme, which is driving up the quality of libraries across the borough, so that they continue to meet the needs and choices of our communities.”

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