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NEW! Fit To Tackle Blog – Week Three

Welcome to our new weekly blog devoted to all things Fit To Tackle – a 12-week free programme that sees LiveWire’s coaches and volunteer mentors guide a group of people wanting to lose weight and get fitter via 3 exercise sessions a week and nutritional guidance. Follow the current group’s progress, learn more about Fit To Tackle and perhaps pick up a few tips to get healthier and happier yourself



Hands up – who ate more chocolate than they were planning to over Easter?

Yeah…us too! We’re only human!

Wednesday saw the Fit To Tackle (FTT) gang regroup after the Easter Weekend – having had Monday night off training thanks to the Bank Holiday.

The scales were approached with a fair amount of trepidation, and while admittedly there were some gains – the group weightloss did increase to a total of 80.2kg/12st 8lbs (with two people already hitting their 12 week 5% target!)

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FTT coach Tom Kearney said: “Bank Holidays are always challenging, and ones involving lots of chocolate even more so! The aim with things like Easter and BBQs and special occasions etc is to enjoy yourself in moderation – but trying to not undo the hard work done so far.

“Bank Holidays are a challenge that this FTT group in particular will have to deal with, as there’s three Bank Holiday Mondays that fall in during the programme meaning they will miss a trio of Monday workouts and no doubt have added temptation nutrition-wise to face while they are off work.

“But well done to the group for turning up and facing the scales after the long weekend – and getting straight back onto it exercise wise.”

Wednesday’s session again saw the exercise levels stepped up again, following a warm up run around the stadium steps (yes, more steps….) with the group having their first circuits session using equipment like kettlebells, battle ropes and tyres.

In teams of four everyone spent a minute per exercise, mixing equipment-led exercises with simple body-weight moves like squats, burpees, mountain climbers etc.

FTT Week 3 2

Explains Tom: “Equipment like the gear we use at FTT adds a further level of resistance to the key exercises – so the kettlebell squats mean you’re working your upperbody as well as your lower, tyre flips works arms, legs and core muscles. It’s the first time the group has done this, and everyone worked really hard and seemed to enjoy the variety.”

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And Saturday involved a VERY soggy mentor-led session in Orford Park. 38 participants turned up in horrendous weather showing the sort of determination and dedication required to get results! From press ups in the mud to a fun touch rugby exercise – well done to everyone who didn’t let Storm Hannah get in the way of your work out. And thanks to our brilliant mentors too! Admit it…..IT WAS FUN!

FTT Week 3 SAturday2

FTT Week 3 SAturday


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