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Culture & Creativity
LiveWire libraries aim to help people and local communities access and engage in a range of quality, varied arts, crafts and cultural experiences. Through the Culture and Creativity Offer libraries work with various partners to stimulate, inspire and entertain. Libraries empower people, helping to foster new creative skills, enhancing the lives of children and adults by providing arts and cultural events and activities in the local community.

30 minutes of free fun, interactive storytelling. Aimed at children 3+ sessions are usually term time. Please check your local LiveWire library for details.

Free rhymes and singalongs to share with your little ones. Aimed at children up to the age of 3.  Sessions are usually term time only. Please check your local LiveWire library for details

Please check your local LiveWire library for details about what’s on for families to share together.

Read to Relax is a new kind of weekly reading group that brings people together – in a relaxed and social atmosphere – to read, have a cup of tea and chat.

The main difference is that in Read to Relax groups you are read to, so it is your choice whether you want to read along or just sit back and listen. There is no requirement for everyone to read aloud to the group, that is purely up to how you feel on the day.

The groups meet weekly, rather than monthly, which quickly builds a feeling of friendship between group members. Also, as the group quite often reads short stories (and sometimes poetry), it doesn’t matter if illness or family commitments mean you cannot attend every week.

Reading aloud – and being read to – involves people more with the stories they are reading, it takes it off the page and encourages discussion. Read to Relax members have reported finding a new interest in literature, feeling more confident and generally having a better sense of wellbeing. The groups have also inspired some members to write themselves.

Would you like to reminisce about your memories of Fearnhead and Padgate, or learn a bit more about the area’s past? If so why not attend the Fearnhead Memories Group.  The group will meet for friendly and informal discussions of Fearnhead’s past, focusing on a different theme each month. New members are always welcome and there will be tea and biscuits during meetings.

Do you enjoy jigsaws? Want to challenge yourself individually or work on a jigsaw with others in a friendly and social atmosphere? You can either come into the library and work on a jigsaw in a group or borrow one to take home; for free.  Please contact your local LiveWire library for details.

Whether you are a budding poet or a would-be novelist, an old-hand or a complete beginner, our friendly and supportive writing groups will help you to grow and develop into the creative force that you know you can be.

Stockton Heath Writers’ Group

Meets at Stockton Heath Library. For more details contact Mike Jackson at 

Interested in tracing your family tree but don’t know where to begin? Perhaps you’ve started already but could do with some help? Come along to our family history helpdesk where our friendly and knowledgeable volunteers will help you put the next piece on your family tree.

Aimed at Primary School Children aged 8-11. Learn coding basics with Scratch and BBC Microbits. Usually run in blocks of so many weeks. Free sessions but pre-booking is essential. Children must be able to commit to the full course.

Usually meet in the library once a month. Books are chosen by the group and then discussed the following month. Please speak to library staff to join a group.

It’s free to join in with one of these crafty groups who usually meet weekly. Groups may cover one or all of knitting, crochet or sewing. Please bring your own wool and knitting/sewing needles. Open to all abilities from novice to expert. Friendly, welcoming groups willing to offer advice and support. Some work on individual projects, whilst others occasionally combine resources and knit for charity events or good causes.  Please contact your local LiveWire library for details.

Do you enjoy a challenge? Do you have a creative streak in you that is just inching for a project? Then why not join our creative and interactive Lego Club.  Please contact your local LiveWire library for details.

Contact your local Library for further information on these sessions or click the below button!

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