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Former England captain teams up with LiveWire to form brand new walking football league

The Walking Football League, led by former England men’s football captain David Platt, is launching a new initiative with LiveWire Warrington. This will offer regular walking football for all ages and abilities.

Walking football is rapidly growing in the UK, with over 70% of players playing more than twice a week and 85% seeking more competitive play.

Starting in the second week of September, matches will be held on Monday evenings from 6pm to 9pm at Orford Jubilee Neighbourhood Hub.

The league offers a competitive yet fun environment for all players and teams.

League entry is open to all ages, existing teams, new teams, and businesses aiming to grow good relationships.

What is Walking Football?

Walking Football is a variation of traditional football designed for those looking to stay active without the intensity of running.

The game follows similar rules to regular football but with one important difference: players must walk instead of run. This reduces the risk of injury and makes the sport more accessible to people of all fitness levels and ages.

Key points of walking football:

  • teams typically consist of six players each
  • matches are usually played on smaller pitches with smaller goals
  • no running or jogging is allowed; one foot must always be in contact with the ground
  • tackles and physical contact are minimised to prevent injuries
  • the game focuses on skill, strategy, and teamwork rather than speed and physicality

Walking football promotes physical health, social interaction, and mental wellbeing, making it an ideal sport for older adults and those looking to maintain an active lifestyle.

David Platt, former England captain and head of the Walking Football League said: “Our other venues currently cater for a more traditional walking football league starting with players aged 50+, but having spoken with LiveWire’s sports development manager Paul Flannery, we are excited to partner with them to bring a more inclusive league format for all ages, with no restrictions on who can enter.

“Paul has made me aware of so many positive life stories his current walking football sessions have helped with and we are delighted to be partnering in this new initiative giving structure to those sessions.”

Warrington Borough Council’s cabinet member for communities, culture and leisure, Cllr Tony Higgins, said: “I’m proud of LiveWire’s continued commitment to making sport accessible. I’m really pleased that the council, through LiveWire, is supporting the new walking football league and I hope many people begin their walking football journey with us. Come along and give it a go!”

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