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Personal Training Success

Emma is 6 weeks into her Personal Training Journey with Helen,(just half way thorugh). 

Emma started out her journey on week 1 with her weight as 12.13 stone a BMI of 28 and her metabolic age of 40, after 6 weeks of hard work with Helen and gaining the advise and support she needed we are so proud to say Emma is now 11.6 stone, her BMi is 24.8 and she has a metabolic age of 33! 

In 6 weeks Emma has lost over a stone in weight.  Her BMI has reduced from ‘overweight’ to ‘healthy’ and her metabolic age has lowered by 7 years…. 

This is what Emma has to say on her amazing success: 

“My PT Journey so far – Before I started my PT Journey I was in effect going through the motions. I would go to the gym 4 or 5 times a week and would only burn off the rubbish I was putting in my mouth.  I had lost all my motivation and in my eyes was wasting both my time and money.  Something had to give.  Since I started the sessions I have realised that I am accountable for everything I do.  I cannot blame anyone. No one makes me do the things I do. I am enjoying the sessions as they are completely different to what I am used to.  They are taking me out of my comfort zone but in a good way and they are challenging me. No two sessions are the same so I cannot get complacent.  In the 6 sessions I have had I have noticed  significant improvements in both my appearance and fitness. I am getting stronger, fitter and slimmer.  I cannot take all the credit for what I have achieved so far as without Helen I would still just be going through the motions.  Helen is amazing at what she does and has encouraged me from day one.  She is tough but fair and will push you to your limits.  Signing up for PT sessions is one of the better decisions I have made as it is giving me my identity back”


Helen is very proud of what Emma has achieved.  She has worked hard.  Emma has  done her first 5k run last week and Helen was right there cheering her on!  

If you want to start your healthy journey… here how you can with Personal Training – 


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