NEW! Fit To Tackle Blog – Week Six
Fit To Tackle Blog – Week 6
The theme of Fit To Tackle this week has been…..TOUGH LOVE!
If we could do an emoji face on here it would be that slightly pained, grimace-y one – yeah, you know the one we’re talking about…….
Monday’s weigh in, was, well – we’ve had better, let’s leave it at that. The combined group weightloss on Monday was just 6lb, meaning it was time for a bit of a telling off motivational talking to from FTT coach Tom.
Plus Wednesday’s fun relay session was cancelled in favour of a slightly more sadistic serious session, featuring plenty of the dreaded 3 FTT ‘S’s – Steps, Squats & Seats.
Tom said: “Sometimes around 6 weeks into the programme, people begin to rest on their laurels and get a little complacent with their nutrition and training.
“Wednesday was planned to be one of the more enjoyable sessions, the relays, but after a poor weigh in Monday I decided that things need to be shook up a little to re-focus everyone on the aims of the programme and their responsibilities as participants.
“We did a gruelling session including numerous steps, seats, squats and sprints, which pushed most people as close to their physical limit as they perhaps had been before.
“The response from all the participants was absolutely fantastic, and everyone walked away from the session with a fresh focus and motivation to achieve the very best they could- plus extremely fatigued!”
The group was weighed again on Weds night before the session, with a good weightloss. The group’s combined figure is 142.4kg/22st 5lbs with 12 people so far hitting that all-important 5% target.
Says Tom: “This week we had a disappointing weigh in on Monday followed by a really good weigh in Wednesday, which suggests that people may be relaxing their nutrition too much over the weekends and then being really strict during the week. This is not a sustainable approach to weight loss, as ‘binge’ days often result in a higher volume in calorie consumption of junk food in comparison to if you allowed yourself a few smaller treats over a 7 day period.”
So a more balanced approach to diet is the way to go!
Another big challenge this week as been the sunny weather, which did affect a few participants.
Explains Tom: “Training in the heat can be extremely energy sapping, which can make usually comfortable exercises seem a lot more difficult.
“It’s really important to keep hydrated pre, during and post these sessions to avoid dehydration.
“We would recommend consuming 2-3 litres of water per day, but on hotter training days it would be helpful to consume a little more as you will lose a lot of fluids via sweat.”
So a tough week for our group, but everyone is really comitted to making the most of the next 6 weeks and really getting some fantastic results both on the scales and off! (more about non-scale victories next week!)