New eBook and eAudio services launching at LiveWire
New eBook and eAudio services launching at LiveWire
From Tuesday 23rd July our libraries will be changing their eBook provider from Askews (Overdrive) to W.F.Howes. The new service will be delivered through an online platform known as RBdigital.
As part of the change in eBook provider, we will be introducing eAudio as part of our online service. This is another free service offered by libraries to make books more accessible and to promote reading.
RBdigital’s easy-to-use eBook/eAudio site enables library users to:
- Browse or search the catalogue
- View details of the book/audio title
- Preview audio books
- Checkout, reserve/hold or add titles to a wishlist
- Download to listen/read offline
- Renew or return book/audio
- Manage personal profiles
- Access the help section and links to contact W.F.Howes UK based support team
RBdigital also creates recommendations for individual library users based on their favourite genres and previous downloads.
What happens next?
After the 23rd July, library users will be required to create a new account with RBdigital to access LiveWire’s FREE eBook/eAudio service. To do this all you will need is your library card number and email address.
If you have previously downloaded any eBook on our previous provider (Askews), these will still be available after the 23rd July until the expiry date. They will not however be renewable from the 23rd July.