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LiveWire to offer support to smokers this October

Launched in 2012, Stoptober has driven more than one million quit attempts to date and is the biggest mass quit attempt across the country.

It is based on research that shows if you can stop smoking for 28-days, you are five times more likely to stay smoke free for good.

During last year’s Stoptober, 148 smokers successfully quit across Warrington. But there is still more work to be done by LiveWire – the provider of the stop smoking service in the town.

13 per cent of residents across the borough are still smoking, which is two per cent lower than the national smoking prevalence. However, the smoking rate among routine and manual workers in the town is as high as 27 per cent.

The morality rate linked to smoking is still significantly higher in Warrington than it is nationally. There were 318 deaths between 2013-2015 linked to smoking – 35 more than the national average.

During the month-long Stoptober campaign, LiveWire’s Stop Smoking Team will be visiting a number of venues across the town, including community centres and medical centres, to offer face-to-face support to people wanting to quit.

They will also be working with the crèche at Orford Jubilee Neighbourhood Hub to teach children and parents about dangers of passive smoking, through the Me & My Bear story book from the Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation.

And Stop Smoking Advisors will be providing support on social media, through ‘live chats’ via partners’ social media accounts, including Warrington Borough Council, Bridgewater Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust and Warrington CCG.

LiveWire’s Stop Smoking service provides free, expert support and guidance and helps people quit using a range of different methods, including nicotine replacement therapy, Champix or Zyban.

They also now support smokers using non-licenced electronic delivery systems, commonly known as e-cigs.

Ruth Armstrong, stop smoking advisor at LiveWire, said: “We are seeing a lot more people using electronic devices as a method to stop smoking, but they may not be getting the right support.

“There could be side-effects from getting too much nicotine, including headaches and nausea, but we can now support people even if they are using e-cigarettes.

“I would strongly advise anyone using an electronic cigarette as a method to quit to come in, chat to us and get the correct support to be successful in their quitting attempt.”

LiveWire and Warrington Borough Council, who commission the service, have welcomed the return of the Stoptober campaign and are encouraging local smokers to join the thousands of people making a change this October for a healthier and wealthier future.

Cllr Maureen McLaughlin, executive board member for public health and wellbeing, added: “Giving up smoking is one of the best things you can do for your health, but we know how difficult quitting can be.

“Stoptober is a great time to really commit to taking that step, with a range of free advice and support on offer to help you say goodbye to cigarettes for good. So if you’ve been thinking about making smoking a thing of the past, now’s the time to take action.”

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