Kickstart your 2022 by kicking the habit… with help from SmokeFree Warrington
Help is on hand for anyone wanting to stop smoking in 2022 – from the SmokeFree Warrington team at LiveWire.
Get free expert and friendly advice and support from the team, who are on hand to help guide anyone wanting to quit in the New Year.
From face-to-face drop-in sessions to telephone and online support, there’s a wealth of ways our SmokeFree staff can help.
Evidence shows that people are more likely to quit with specialist help, so even if you’ve tried and failed to stop in the past, 2022 is the perfect chance to try again.
Tom Kearney, LiveWire Lifestyles Officer and SmokeFree Lead for Warrington, said: “Quitting smoking is one of the biggest challenges that you will possibly ever face but it is worth the effort. Keeping a positive outlook and managing cravings on your own can be difficult, and willpower alone is not always enough, so why not take advantage of our free support?
“We can certainly help you to quit if you really want to and work with you to make a plan to stop. We can help you decide which prescription medication could aid your quit attempt and we will even organise the prescription from your GP for you. And then we will be on hand to keep you motivated while you are on your journey.”
A recent SmokeFree Warrington client said: “I am really pleased to say I am still 100 percent smokefree and intend to stay that way. I vowed I would never touch another cigarette and I haven’t. With LiveWire’s help I was able to achieve this and eventually go solo. All the help and support was invaluable.”
Warrington Borough Council’s cabinet member for public health and wellbeing, Cllr Maureen McLaughlin, said: “Smoking is the leading cause of preventable premature death in Warrington, killing around 225 people every year, so we must ensure people have access to the right support to help them to quit.
“It can be difficult to quit smoking on your own, but having the right support can make it easier and you will be more likely to not start up again. If you’re making it your New Year’s resolution to stop smoking, there’s lots of fantastic support on offer through LiveWire, and by using the support that is right for you, you’ll boost your chance of quitting for good so you can start to live a healthier life.”
To get anyone wanting to quit on their way, here are SmokeFree Warrington’s top 10 tips for quitting:
- Plan your quit date and stick to it. This is a great way to mentally prepare yourself to stop smoking, and you are more likely to succeed with the quit when you know when and how you are going to do it.
- Use prescription medicine to help you cope with any nicotine withdrawal symptoms you may experience such as feeling irritable anxious or even feeling down. Your stop smoking advisor will discuss these with you and help you find the right one for you.
- Keep in mind why you have decided to quit – make a list of why you want to stop smoking and put it somewhere that you can see it daily e.g. health, finance, family etc. When you feel that you want to give up, reminding yourself of why you are quitting can help to keep you going.
- Save the money that you would spend on cigarettes to treat yourself. Make sure you can see this money – set up a separate bank account or make a quitting jar to store your saved cash. You will be surprised how quickly the money adds up.
- Quit with a friend or even make your stop smoking advisor your new best friend. Regular contact will help remind you that you are not on your own with your quit attempt.
- Identify the things that make you crave a cigarette. Limiting these triggers can help you strengthen your willpower, conquer cravings and keep you on track.
- Keep yourself busy to help you resist the urge to smoke. Cravings usually last between 5 to 10 minutes. Have a list of things to do during this time e.g. phone a friend, get some fresh air, or even count the money that you have saved.
- Any physical activity is a great way of dealing with daily stress. Walking, running, cycling, swimming, or consider taking up a new activity. Discuss this with your stop smoking advisor who will be able to advise you about all the activities (some of them free) that LiveWire has to offer.
- Lean on your stop smoking advisor or trusted family and friends when you are struggling to keep going. They know what an incredible thing you are doing for yourself and will support you along the way.
- Keep thinking positively – if you have times when you want to pack it all in and have just one cigarette, take a moment to think of all the positives that have come with stopping smoking such as whiter teeth, more energy, better sense of taste and smell, more money in your pot, and so many health benefits
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