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Fit Fed and Read

The LiveWire-run Fit, Fed and Read scheme that offers families support during the school holidays was held last week at the Old School in Fairfield.

Available to children aged from 7 to 14, Fit, Fed and Read aims to provide structured activities and meals for young people during the school holiday periods when they are not at school.

Children take part enjoying breakfast and lunch and activities designed to encourage them to work together and develop their communication skills and self-confidence. Activities include; team sports and games, reading sessions, dance, arts and crafts, food workshops and more.

LiveWire’s Active Team is at the front of a national pilot around this programme, which is funded by the Street Games charity. Families can be referred to the scheme, or self-refer if they feel it could help them.

Statistics from the summer 2018 include:

  • 800 meals served.
  • 80 hours of physical activity for youngsters.
  • 14 hours of reading and cultural activities.
  • 8 hours of food workshops
  • 300 volunteer hours.

Lisa’s seven-year-old son Ryan attended in the summer of 2018- She says the scheme has helped both Ryan and herself.

Lisa said: “Attending has had such a positive impact on Ryan and his attitude, which has had a positive impact on me. I used to dread school holidays as there was no routine, but this had made such a difference for us. It has the structure of school – with the fun factor.”

She adds: “It has given me real peace of mind as I know Ryan is being well looked after by the team while he is here.”

Paul Flannery, LiveWire Neighbourhood Engagement Officer (Sport & Physical Activity), said: “This project has as massive impact on the lives of young people in the town. It not only improves the physical and mental wellbeing of participants, but it helps to make communities safer and more prosperous. The fantastic range of activities on offer help to inspire and empower those involved.”

For more information LiveWire’s Active and Lifestyles support and services, visit or call 01925 624996.


For more information on Fit and Fed scheme visit

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