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Beginner triathletes complete their first event

Over the past six weeks, the ladies have attended Sunday morning training sessions delivered by the hugely experienced British Triathlon couch, Helen Macvicker, where they have practiced all elements of the sport – swimming, cycling and running – and the hardest bit of all, putting it all together.

The course was part of LiveWire’s Go Tri series of events and the ladies have been on an epic journey as they ventured from nervous beginners, through to accomplished triathletes.

For many, the biggest fear came from the swim – as for the majority this was their weakest discipline – with some of the women only just learning to swim recently through the help of adult swim lessons at LiveWire.

Farina Cahm, who started her swimming lessons two years ago after being a complete non-swimmer, even managed to venture into open water swimming with the support of LiveWire’s Louise Shannon, and for Farina, it marked a huge milestone in her swimming journey.

For new mum, Becky Dagger from Great Sankey, fitting in the training camps around feeding her 15 week old baby has been a real challenge, but the super mum even managed to squeeze in a feed just before her wave started in the pool – inspiring so many people in the process. “I’ve always wanted to do a triathlon but never had the confidence.

“I really needed something to aim for to get me active again after having my baby and I’m so glad I did. The coaches and other ladies were so supportive and I can’t wait for the next challenge.”

For Natalie Dunabin, it was an amazing part of her journey from fat to fit, which she has been working hard on over the last few months through LiveWire’s Fit to Tackle programme before moving on to the Plodders run group at LiveWire.

Not only has Natalie lost a considerable amount of weight, she has found a real love for an active lifestyle and has big plans for the future, having already signed up to the Go Tri event taking place at Orford Hub in September.

She commented after completing the event: “It was the most amazing yet challenging experience, both physically and mentally, but equally the most rewarding.

“The support and encouragement from the coaches and other women was just incredible and, undoubtedly, an experience I will never forget. I loved every second.”

Louise Shannon, health inclusion and engagement officer at LiveWire, said: “Moving forward, there is so much more LiveWire want to offer with Go Tri and these novice courses offer a real unique opportunity to take part in the sports without fear of competition or coming last.

“I was so blown away by how much the girls supported each other throughout the course but to see them get each other across that finish line was amazing and we all got a bit emotional.”

For more information about Go Tri, please contact Rebecca Worswick on 01925 624996.

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